Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Staffing Companies Still in Tightening Mode

With unemployment still on the rise many staffing companies have gone out of business.  The staffing sector of the construction industry has seen much of this.  Just this week, a CEO of a prominent construction labor provider claimed, "we're still in the closing down, tightening mode."  When your typical construction labor company closes its branches, it loses the ability to recruit in that market and thus service contractors in that market; branch closures mean market exits.  This same CEO also stated, "When we take a branch out, we're taking relationships out that existed in that neighborhood...  we're losing the legs of the organization every time we do this." Further this company said it would not choose to keep a branch open if it lost its major customer.  Meaning it would not stay in business in that location for the small contractor, or the contractor that only uses one or two people at a time.   
So why would you choose to use personnel from a company that would have no problem leaving you hanging or is taking relationships out or losing the legs of the organization?     
This is not the case with Construct Corps.  While other companies have been closing down branches, impacting their ability to service your company, Construct Corps has been strengthening is capacity to recruit and staff projects nationwide.   When Construct Corps says nationwide it means anywhere nationwide.  While your typical personnel company can only staff projects within a given vicinity of a branch office (that might be closed by the time you read this), Construct Corps really can go anywhere because we do not rely on branch offices to find the people you need for your project.  Visit Construct Corps today at 
How We’re Different:
-Dedicated support team available 7 days a week
-Construct Buddy an exclusive web-based workforce management tool
-We staff projects anywhere in the U.S. and Canada
-Ability to provide traveling work crews and mobile offices
-Flexible pricing for your budget
Construct Corps brings a new level of credibility to the construction staffing industry offering contractors and our skilled labor transparency into our Construct Buddy operating system. 
Through Construct Buddy contractors see status of orders, skilled labor availability, skilled labor scheduled to work, currently working and key job metrics.
Experienced In 
Industrial / Commercial
Military Bases - Security Clearance
Alternative Energy
Disaster Recovery
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