Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Local Staffing Branches at a Disadvantage

Why rely on a company with a handful of branch offices when you can have true nationwide coverage from one supplier. A labor provider should be selected based on where it has available labor, not where it has branch offices. Local offices typically are only able to qualify workers within a 20 mile radius of where the branch office is located. This is because they perform face-to-face interviews with applicants who are usually not willing to travel further than 20 miles for an interview. If the project they are recruiting for is not in the vicinity of the branch office, it limits the potential candidate base even further. Additionally, because workers may become hard to come by in these situations, and interviews are often lengthy and time consuming, it causes what should be an objective process to become a subjective one.

On the other hand, Construct Corps recruits differently. There are no branch offices with Construct Corps. The local recruiting area is always the area local to YOUR project, not the branch office. Construct Corps can just as easily recruit for your project in Texas as it can for the one in downtown Miami, or rural Arkansas, or in the mountains of Colorado. And because the process is handled centrally you can be assured the same objective and thorough process no matter where your job is located. Watch this short video at www.constructcorps.com/video to see how Construct Corps can help you when others can not.

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